Coronado National Forest has released all-new proposals for updates in recreation areas that are meant to improve the experience of recreationists.
Internet installation at Sabino Canyon Visitor Center
This Santa Catalina Ranger District proposal includes the installation of roughly 500 feet of conduit from Sabino Canyon Visitor Center to its internet access point. This is currently under analysis with its next milestone expected early in January 2024.
Dormitory removal at Radar Base
This facility located at the top of Mt. Lemmon, the Steward Observatory Radar Base Dormitory, is to be demolished and removed. The dormitory building is a two-story CMU-constructed building that has been unoccupied, unmaintained, and is believed to contain asbestos and lead.
It is expected that this project would not cause closures or restrictions to recreationists, with only 15-20 feet beyond the footprint of the facility needed for demolition. This is under analysis currently with a next update expected for early December 2024.
Cancelled: Restrooms and accessible amenities at Frye Mesa Day Use Area
Coronado had proposed to install a new restroom facility as well as ADA-accessible covered picnic tables, grills and benches at an area near Frye Mesa reservoir. This is now marked as cancelled by the Forest.
Cancelled: Water system taps and lines at Treasure Park Campground
The Forest had planned to add two water taps to the existing water line at Treasure Park. Water lines would have run under existing roads and be located at the Treasure Park North campsite and at Treasure Park East.
Updates to these projects, especially as to how they might affect your recreation, will be added to the Coronado National Forest Kiosk on as they become available.