Summertime in Arizona is characterized by extreme heat that can make outdoor recreation experiences less enjoyable or even deadly. But with so many beautiful places to visit around the state, both Arizona locals and visitors will for sure be heading out into the wild to enjoy the unique landscape – Arizona State Parks reminds us how to do so as safely and comfortably as possible.

Cautious summertime recreation is encouraged, but consider hitting Parks in some of the hottest regions before the real heat sets in. And as you do trek into the outdoors in June, July and August, being prepared starts by knowing your limits, understanding weather conditions, and over-preparing with plenty of water, energizing food, and appropriate clothing (and plenty of water… then pack some more water).

Here are the points Arizona State Parks recently shared in a news release about staying safe on the trails this summer:

  • Bring more water than you think you’ll need, every time – even for flat, cooler-weather hikes. Pre-hydrate before you head out, starting the night before. Drink throughout the day and always over prepare. When you’ve finished half of your water supply, it’s time to turn around – no matter where you are on the trail.
  • Plan ahead! Before you hike, check and download any trail maps or guides you might need, or check out our resources at Take a GPS with you, and make sure your phone is fully charged. If you’re hiking alone, let someone know where you’re going and about how long you’ll be gone. Rangers at our parks will be available to help you pick the trail that’s right for you.
  • Bring sun protection, like a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen – even on cloudy days. Consider wearing long, lightweight sleeves to protect you from the sun and help keep your body cool. This will help you enjoy your hike, and enjoy the memories!
  • Did we mention water? Don’t get caught without enough to keep you hydrated throughout your hike – you need water for the return trip, too. Bring salty snacks or electrolyte tablets to help stay alert, too. Bananas, granola, and peanut butter are all great options.

Never underestimate Mother Nature and never overestimate your ability to endure the conditions. Prepare and recreate responsibly, no matter where you plan to adventure this summer in Arizona.

And don’t forget your water.


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