Prescott National Forest and the Bradshaw Ranger District have announced prescribed burns to take place starting Nov. 1, 2023. Burning in the area is expected to continue through Nov. 17.

Fire in the Prescott Basin

Fire Managers are set to treat areas in the Ponderosa Park area, south of Prescott. They have advised that there will be no road or trail closures, but that forest visitors are reminded to exercise caution and obey all traffic signs when traveling near any of the prescribed burns – firefighters and related traffic will be in the area.

Impacts from the treatments’ smoke are expected to be light but visible from several locations such as Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, Wilhoit and surrounding area communities. As temperatures drop at night, smoke is expected to linger in drainages and valleys.

Personnel available to answer questions at REI and Fire Station 71

For the public’s convenience and education, fire managers will be staffing information booths where recreationists and members of the community can stop by to view maps, receive the latest information on the burns, ask questions, and better understand what it means to live in an area with regularly executed prescribed fire.

The information booths will be located on the east side of the Prescott Fire Department Station 71, 333 White Spar Road, Prescott, AZ on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; and at the REI Vendor Village store located at Frontier Village 1761 E. Highway 69, Prescott, AZ on Friday, November 3 through Sunday, November 5, 1:00 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Fall fire treatments in Prescott National Forest

About their burn success so far, Prescott National Forest said, “Since September 25, 2023, Fire managers on the Bradshaw Ranger District have been able to successfully treat 3,451 acres with prescribed fire which included the Goldwater RX-1,185 acres; Groom RX-1,092 acres; Indian Creek RX-524 and Ponderosa RX-650 acres.

Crews have also been successful with treating 7,214 acres on the Chino Valley Ranger District on prescribe fire units which included Limestone RX-839 acres; Southfork RX-2325 acres; and Gravers Rx-4050 acres. Resources will continue to be on scene through the weekend and into next week patrolling, monitoring, and securing any areas of concern along perimeter lines.”

Trails and camping that may be affected

While no trail, road or campground closures are announced currently, recreation in these places could be impacted by smoke or fire personnel on routes:

Always plan ahead and be prepared when headed into the outdoors.

1 Comment

REI is celebrating its Prescott grand opening event Nov. 3-5 – Trail Kiosk · 11/02/2023 at 1:56 PM

[…] fire in the area and National Forest health and safety. They can specifically speak to the prescribed burns taking place November 1 through November 17 in the Prescott […]

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